Everytime they showcase this clown ass Brothers they lose or pull retarded ass stunts in the cage

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I know you ... your not professional fighter lol... u took 3 classes with my friend and didnt have enough $$ to continue ... hows your mom?

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? Are you retarded?

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I'm a professional fighter and Coach you key board warrior. I train everyday with elite fighters at ATT what about you chump? And you on disrespecting Silva, the Greatest Middleweight champ ever in MMA. It just shows that you a Diaz Dick Sucker. NOW GO SLURP UP Nick the Nobody you Nut guzzler.

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Professional fighter 🤣 professional keyboard warrior more like! A pro fighter wouldn't be on here acting the way you are I bet your a 30 year old virgin that still lives with your mum touching yourself while looking at the lingerie page in a catalogue

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What kinda sicko would even bring up jerking off and moms at the same time.... Seems like you're the one with some real issues

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Ha-ha-ha! Bingo!

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good one 👍 👏

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Your ignorance is obvious, I doubt your a fighter or coach, Any true fighter knows the dedication Nick and Nate have to the fight game, expert level boxing, BJJ and insane cardio they bring to every fight. You should probably shut up now, I'm kind of embarrassed for you

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Agreed. This is funny shit gothboi "shared" with the community...

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"elite" my ass...my "training"....in the early days..before MMA...trained by Lee and Grove..USMC and desert L'egion L'Etranger....Annapolis in the family...both Grant and Lee...who you think you're talking to son?

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Fuck!!! Lee and Grant both of them where Racist and they bought and sold and owned slaves so fuck them both

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Hee hee! Yup, Dad's went to West Point AND Annapolis, fought each other in the war...and worked in the fields WITH the slaves....share croppers ands soldiers dude...shit you are dumb...proud of all of them...

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Also you got two dad's and they both can't fucking raise a kid

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Did your stupid as fuck dad teach you how to type like that?

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Silva the guy who failed how many drug tested lmao clown. You ant a trained you probably get the water for them and clean up at night lol. If not you suck because you ant in the big leagues yet clown lmao

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He's washed up dude. He'll get either stopped or pull some dumb ass antics to get DQ'd

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Who gave CM Punk a social media account? I'm new here and you're clearly embarrassing yourself over and over. Unironically or otherwise sometimes the best move is saying nothing at all...

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Get in the ring with him,then decide if you know what you are talking about...if you still "got terms"..

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Too funny. It’s show biz baby. The show must go on….no matter how much Nick is over !!!!!!! Hahaha love those Diaz boys!

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Gothboi is the undefeated Charlie zelenoff 🤣

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(...yawn). "Undefeated" ...means cherry pick a fights...makes your stats look better..

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Gothboi is an idiot

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Might be an MMA chick in men's pants...MMA chicks might want to step back when the Ladies of the WWF enter the ring...costumes aside or inclusive, WWF Ladies bring the proof and the class....Just say'in, turn of the sound when you do the home work....girls in MMA hack punch and cry when they"win"...not much crying in the WWF...unless it's planned for entertainment effect...

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You a casual cocksucker

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No, you are the casual. You literally have no idea what tf you're talking about. It's cringe af to read your comments.

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Nick is a true mma fighter..yall see come Saturday night.

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Nick is gonna get either knocked out or pull some lame ass retard stunt like he did with Anderson Silva. Both the brothers need to retire. Both on losing streaks.

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I am old enough to have seen Silva, he was an overrated coward..

No technique, no technique, no charisma...is that you Anderson writing under some fake name?

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That "over rated" coward beat everyone they put in front of him across 2 weight classes amassing a 15-0 record in the organization until Weidman got his number... You sir are a biased casual at best if this is what u truly believe you rube... 👌✌

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You crack me up dumbshit!

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I’m old enough to have seen Silva? You lost me right there. Coward? He’s a HOF legend that has the respect of everyone, except you. And I’m old enough to remember UFC 1 the night it came on PPV. Stop with the Anderson Silva bashing, you sound dumb.

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Nope. The guy's an ass inside and outside of the cage. Every one of his victories has an asterisk next to it because he used performance enhancing drugs. That's the way it works buddy. The goat doesn't take peds.

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Man I would like to see Diaz brother fight on same night that would bea hell of event

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They went to 185 cause that weed is legal and Nick been snacking hard ! Seriously I think Nick at 185 is probably gonna be like fighting a Gorilla and his hands are nice so is his submission game. Lawler's a beast in his own right dont get me wrong but I dont think he's gonna beat the King. He also has alot more wear and tear than Nick and as active as Nick is and his cardio routine I don't think ring rust will be an issue. Go get'em Nick so awesome to have you back.

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Mr Gossett, thank you for backing your opinion with sensible statements supporting how you arrived at your opinion..it is refreshing.

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He gonna get stopped by Robbie, Nick the old nobody been out the game to long. Let's see if the chin can hold up!!

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The reason why he wants to fight at 185 is because he can't drop weight and he doesn't want to lose 20% of his pay to Robbie Lawler this is why the Diaz brothers suck as fighters they don't want to make the weight

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"gothboi" uses the words "suck" and "dick" too often...does that suggest job description or character defect on his part?

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Not just diaz both fighters said openly they don't want to cut weight

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(snore).....Even if they changed weight class because they saw unicorns fly out their asses, it would be a more interesting conjecture than the one you just proposed and assumed as fact...really, was that the best you can deliver?

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Real talk.

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Interesting that this is happening so close to the fight. Do you think the fighters have known about this for a little while (to help with their weight cut) and we’re just now finding out?

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Good point...but it sucks to be starving all the time training, and the wife wants you to go vegetarian, and she Vapes, drinks, and eats junk food in font of you when you are training...then she shows up on fight night picks an argument with you and goes home with the other guy...

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You can guarantee they knew what they weighed just neither felt like losing 15 pounds to fight each other..

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No I heard Nick got hurt during training and wouldn't be able to make weight.Josh Thomson leaked the possible injury scenario.

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He’s not hurt. Check Cesar gracies Instagram.

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I did,last post was 17 days ago...why did they wait til a couple days before weigh-in to change to middleweight if there wasn't some truth to Josh Thomson's story?I truly hope he's at 100% we have all waited 6 long years for this comeback and an injury this close would break all of our hearts.But Nick is so tough he's obviously going to push through the pain if that's what's really happening.🤞🙏

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Who gives a shit what they weigh? I just want to see the fight they are willing to engage in?...speculation is fun too though...it might be psych out strategy on both sides.

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Goodluck you Fanboy

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What a tool you are I bet you wouldn't be talking at all if nick was face to face with you! You'd probably be pissing in your pants

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Another Dick Rider..

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I bet Lawler wasn't going to make weight. I've seen pictures of Diaz he looked like he was ready for 170

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Makes more sense, these guys are getting up there in age and it's very hard to cut weight. If both fighters are comfortable walking in at or close to street weight then why not. Even these young bucks are practically hurting themselves to cut weight

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Lot of real fucking idiots in this one, gothboi is a legit fighter, you have no idea about the training he's done, or the names he's taken in and out of the ring. I can guarantee that cuz if any sane person had that info they would watch their mouths

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Lawler is not the same fighter from 17 years ago, but he is also not the same fighter from just 5 years ago… Nick is Nick BJJ is top notch, boxing is outstanding very technical and his cardio is bar none. Lawler is a beast who can put your lights out with 1 shot…. My pick and Lawler is one of my all time favs…. Nick by dec!

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Ariel Helwani let's bet, I bet on Nick what about you

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I bet on nick as always, he will be more dangerous than before believe me

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