Hey Ariel & Crew,

Following GC’s slip of tongue on Monday’s show during the Big Hitter segment, this is an official petition to get a Big Shitter of the week moving forward.

This could be somebody with terrible reads all around, a painful miss on a parlay, or whoever lets the Parlay Pals down.

Cheers from London 🇬🇧

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Who taught Ariel I fucks with it?! 🤦‍♂️

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Hi Ariel!

I am worried this question may sound political and trigger some moaning, so I apologise in advance! Was wondering if you have any insight about the UFC's decision to go all in on the Trump support the last few months? Of course Dana has always been a Trump guy, that's no secret, but the UFC broadcasts have never been so openly supportive as recently, with grand walk-outs, commentators paying tribute to Trump between fights etc.

Is this just a Dana thing, or is it something coming from the WME level?

All the best,


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Good question. I noticed at 302 that DC didn’t shake his hand, but Rogan and Anik did. DC didn’t look happy, so that makes me think the snub was at least a little intentional.

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DC waved at him and was smiling, what you on about sir

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Watch the full clip starting when Trump turned away from the booth. Anik and Joe still looked like they were having a good time. DC did not. Looked like he waved/smiled for the cameras.

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Hey Ariel and boyz (And Andy)!!

Long question, but I promise it’s worth it: count me in as part of the ‘Huge fan of classic interview segments’ crew. During Covid I listened to EVERY episode of MMA hour. There are countless people out there who have never heard the charming vignettes with Nate (RIP Machiavelli 🐶), Jon Jones, even the Tokyo Rampage that we all know and love. Hell, I still listen to the ‘Debuting Bryce Mitchell drilled his own nuts’ interview when I am down. These classics never fail to put a smile on my face.

Second, I do pretty ok in life. I work full time and supplement my income with poker (💯). I may not wear a slim fit Hugo boss suit…. But they have the bloody cheek to ask $2200 for a NOSEBLEED ticket for UFC 306?! Sphere or not: That is highway robbery. I am Mexican American and I was looking forward to another all nighter in Vegas… but alas, I shall save my pesos. 😔

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Ariel, shoutout from Brisbane Australia. I’ll make this short and sweet. I’m calling you out mate. I’ve submitted 3 questions in the past, all 3 have not been read out BUT you have said my questions as your own comments, even using the same wording. You mentioned when i said that you and Chael fighting is like parents fighting, you mentioned specifically the DWCS fighters getting the rub on 303 and you mentioned the third one that I forget now.

Why you stealing thunder without shouting me out man? Also - QUEENSLANDERRRR

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Hey Ariel,

Why do managers/fighters tell you news and then tell you you can’t go public with the information? What do they stand to gain from telling you the information in that case?


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Ariel, last week on the show you talked about how this Conor card is more filled than most of his previous cards. My question is do you think we will see some blowout ppvs coming in the near future as the UFC prepares to go back into the open market for media rights? 299 and 300 were huge, 303 incoming, can we expect a huge final run on the espn deal ?

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One more quick one, I have been seeing possibly max vs Chandler for bmf as a replacement…. Has Chandler not already proven he will take nothing less than mcgregor next?

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Hey Ariel. Been a big fan of the UFC for about a decade now. However I personally find it pretty disgraceful that the UFC has essentially become the sports propaganda wing for the MAGA movement. Since 2016, Dana White and a number of high profile fighters have shown their support for the former president (and convicted 34 times a felon) Donald Trump. What I find so interesting is that despite the UFC making it abundantly clear that they are mostly interested in gaining views from younger more right wing, conservative males, the organization, in my opinion, I think has done the best job in promoting women than any other sport. Even the Women’s World Cup, which is very popular and gets incredible ratings, is only for 1 month every 4 years. Women’s tennis is maybe as popular as the Mens game but mostly people just care about the 4 major tournaments. Also men play best 3 out a 5 sets and women still play best 2 out of 3. So basically no other women's sport comes close to the UFC. The reason I bring this up is because the sports media has been talking a lot about the Caitlin Clark incident recently and how it relates to gender, race and equality or lack thereof. So my question to you is why do you think in the UFC, the fans see women as equals to men when other leagues and sports struggle? What do you think another league like the WNBA, can learn from this?


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Any thoughts on Dana and TKO allowing the UFC to continually be used as a tool for domestic political sportswashing, especially in light of certain recent events (Trump's conviction) as well as certain future ones (i.e. the election)? Or are you not touching that one?

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Ariel & Crew, hope all is well. What in the world is going on?!? You know what I’m talking about, the mayor mayor news- WHERE IS JULIANA PEÑA? Is there any news on a scheduling for the coveted women’s batamweight title? Juliana has been out for a minute, wanted to know if there are any updates. Cheers!

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Following on from Pound-for-Pound conversation on Monday…

The idea that the heavyweight champion is not self-evidently the best fighter in the world was conceived as marketing gimmick by – of all people - Hollywood legend Al Jolson.

While managing boxer Henry Armstrong, Jolson came up with the audacious plan for Armstrong to hold the undisputed featherweight, lightweight and welterweight titles simultaneously. Armstrong achieved this, becoming not only a box office star but also splitting public opinion as to whether heavyweight king Joe Louis was truly the best fighter on the planet.

Twenty years later, legendary sports writer Jimmy Cannon gave this concept its name when he wrote that Sugar Ray Robinson was the best fighter in the world… pound for pound.

So, the truth is P4P was invented as a pure marketing gimmick. That’s not to say it isn’t fun to have these debates or that they mean nothing, but P4P remains a marketing gimmick.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

While that's true, Ant, the term "pound for pound" was used by sports writers to describes boxers like Bob Fitzsimmons dating back to the 1920s- long before Sugar Ray Robinson.

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Hi JJ,

Do you have any specific examples of that exact phrase being used? The IBHOF and credits the Cannon/Sugar Ray story as the first substantiated used of the exact phrase P4P being used.

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From the March 1926 Issue of Popular Science Monthly, from the article Do Athletes Die Young? by Arthur Grahame: "But the conqueror of Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons, pound for pound the greatest fighter of them all, died at the age of 56." - You can find excerpts from it on Google books as well as other articles from the 1920s using the phrase (which is just an old-timey way of saying "per pound")

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Hello Ariel and Gang!

As a California fan, I felt severe fomo regarding last week’s live show. Any talks on hitting the road again, perhaps to the west coast (Vegas, Los Angeles, etc.)?

A fan in Bakersfield, CA,

Gabriel S.

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I co-sign this

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With Dana’s comments on the p4p being Jon he got you and many others to appreciate Islam more. Is he a master of reverse psychology or is this simply a level of cognitive dissonance the likes of which he is renowned for?

Thanks for the great shows and glad the live show went well.

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Ariel Heeeeeeeelwaaaaaaani,

I know there isn’t much of an update behind the James Krause scenario other than he reappeared on Facebook with a real estate post. However, while doom scrolling Instagram, I saw he’s competing with CXBJJ championships at The Saint Louis Invitational 3 on June 22, in St. Louis.

Have you reached out to him or his team about potentially coming on the show?

Muito Obrigado papai

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Ariel Hi.

How the hell do we get hold of you (outside of substack of course)!? Lord knows you ain't reading PMs on any socials (and for good reason too). Just wanting to send an innocent email to you or a representative, and would like to keep it private. I've been trawling the internet for a lead but have come up bubkis! So this is my hail Mary option...


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I'll ask the question that everybody wants to know. The one they're all talking about on Twitter. The one the media and fight organizations have all been super tight lipped about. It's International Fight Week, It's June 29th... But does he even show up?

I'm obviously talking about The Master of Meme-ery, The Fight Feasting, Parlay Pal'ing, Shirt Cursin', Fist-up Photo Taker, the great Georgia Conner! He has mentioned it for years. Are we wheels up and back to the desert?

Much Love! Trin

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