Hey Ariel! You and the guys went back and forth on what Volk’s next fight should be - Islam or Topuria. One option I’m surprised hasn’t been brought up is Aljamain Sterling if he wins at UFC 292. All signs point to him moving up if he wins in August. Could Volk’s next fight be Aljamain Sterling attempting Double Champ status, or is Topuria the more attractive option at 145?

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Hi Ariel and team. As a South African, I just feel that I need to try and clarify Dricus' comments. You guys on this show, the public and Israel are very uninformed what this is actually about. You played Dricus' comments a few times on your show. In Dricus' mind an African champion or a real African champion (whatever way you want to call it) is someone who resides in Africa, trains in Africa etc., etc.. He wants to be the first African residing champion. That is HIS thing, that is part of HIS goal. Why is this so important to him? Why is this so important to us as South Africans? Do you know why? In very short terms, South African people leave to go to first world countries as they believe there are better opportunities out there and mostly they are right. Dricus is a patriot. He created the CIT gym. He wants to prove that someone from Africa from a small gym can become champion, can beat people from bigger gyms all around the world. He just wants to prove that it can be done. He creates opportunities and hope for the younger generation. As a South African that is extremely important to us. People don't understand our pride, people don't understand our patriotism, people don't really get what this is about. Dricus wants to prove that you don't have to leave. We have the resources right here. This actually has nothing to do with the 3 African champs. Nothing. All those other stuff you spoke about, apartheid, race etc.. Ariel, you are misssing the ball by a mile. We as South Africans immediately knew what he meant and he also confirmed what I just said in much more detail in multiple interviews. Maybe educate yourself by speaking to people from South Africa and not what you read on the internet.

Let's move to the IG posts from Dricus and coach. You know when this became personal from DDP's camp? After Israel's comments about dragging DDP's carcass across South Africa. There is a lot there, it is here where it became personal, those IG posts about NZ, My home, my Africa etc. were in response to that and also in response to Usman's China comments. Why do you ignore that fact? There is underlying intentions and hate here and it is clear that it only comes from Izzy's side. Imagine DDP said the stuff on your show that Izzy did? Imagine DDP said those things in the octagon that Izzy did?

My question to you is, why don't you try to understand from DDP's point of view by asking people from South Africa, instead of making all these assumptions and conclusions which could not be more further from the truth? Ariel, you are misinforming people.

Kind Regards


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Because Helwani has his head buried up CKB's asses, its not as bad as he was with Conor but still, Helwani's biases are incredibly obvious

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I didn’t see a bias. He called it how it was? Dricus said some things then denied saying them

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Lol are you kidding me? How on earth didn't you see bias? Bud, Real African champ, residing African champ, who gives a f#ck. You are really clutching on straws here. The meaning is still the same. Izzy comes on Ariel's show, uses racist language, before that also used racist language in an interview with his brother, what did Ariel say? "I am not saying Dricus is a Racist". Really? Really? The white guy who did not make it about race once, is not a racist? Wow never, what about the Izzy guy who made it about race, Ariel? Not enough biased yet? Usman uses the China example insinuating that Dricus can't be African, because he is white, Izzy saying that he is going to drag Dricus' carcass across SA. This is where it became personal. So Dricus and his coach made IG posts in response to that to hit back and they also became personal, however still never hinted at race or anything. Where do you think Ariel said that it became personal? At which point? Not biased enough yet? Ariel needs to be very careful he is not just trying to hurt Dricus' name, but he is hurting his family name as well. Ariel talks about apartheid and our history as that is the only thing he knows about us. You expect us to just accept it when a guy who has never been in our shoes, who sits behind his laptop in his privilege in New York feeling untouchable, wants to tell us about our people, our culture, what our people mean when they say something. Ariel turned this into a race debate due to his lack of knowledge. I see people all around the world engaging in this conversation while they have absolutely no idea what this is about. We live in South Africa, we are here every day, we know what it is going to mean for a guy to come back here with the title to go back to his gym with an UFC title, we know that it will give hope, we know that it will prove that you don't have to leave to become great, if we stick together and believe in our systems we can become world beaters in anything. We see what it means to our people when the Boks wins the world cup. This is what it is all about and so much more, but that is the crux. Once again, you expect a guy like Ariel and so many other people who have no knowledge of this saying stuff that is totally untrue, creating a narrative that is not even remotely true then he protects

a racist, because he is so far up Izzy's and Usman's butt. The guy is supposedly a good journalist, but as soon as people pushes back, comments don't get chosen or he gets a mini heart attack. Did you see the look on his face when Chael set him straight on Monday? Ariel knows exactly what he is doing. It is disgusting. A grown man doing what he does, trying to paint someone in a bad light, not standing up against Israel when he is racist etc. Dricus never started it. He was asked a question, he responded and he explained, he also explained in multiple interviews afterwards when he realised that the rest of the world including rest of Africa did not understand what it was about and how patriotic and proud we are as a nation. Israel and Usman were the first ones who made it personal. On which bandwagon do you think the people jumped on? The one that is controversial, the one that creates stories, the one that sells. Who cares about the truth, right? Why doesn't Ariel privately discuss this with Dricus face to face, without the cameras, and in the same room? His day will come. What he is doing is straight up evil.

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I’m not reading that. Anyone who types that much is definitely being dramatic 🤣

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Yeah but you are willing to follow a racist, watch a guy's youtube show who race baits and believe people who have zero knowledge on this topic. It says a lot about your character.🤣🤣We could see the difference of class in the cage after the DDP's fight on Saturday.

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I didn’t like the way izzy acted in there, he seemed drunk to be honest. That being said pretending ddp didn’t say half of the things he has said in interviews is basically like acting as ignorant as Dana white acts when it’s a topic he doesn’t want to talk about. Calling Ariel racist for not liking a fight being about race is laughable.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

When the WHITE South African invalidates and dismisses BLACK AND African fighters for what they have worked for by calling himself the first “REAL African” or attempting to display that he is more“African” than others due to him “residing” in Africa WITHOUT CONSIDERING the role colonialism played in this is the problem.

And you, a South African, failing to consider this, is part of an even greater problem.

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He never did that Bud. I just explained it very simply, so you whole argument is bad on perception and assumption and lack of knowledge.

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He *did* do that.

It’s on video, and this cannot be denied.

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Yes he did. He did. That is not the point. We as South Africans know exactly what he meant, because we live this life every day. It actually has nothing even to do, with those 3 African champs. Imagine you are so insecure about who you are that you have to make everything about race. Insane.

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It doesn’t matter he meant. What matter is what he said.

There were 3 African champs at the time.

Knowing this, he said he wants to be the “real African champ,” which immediately dismissed any Black/African fighter ( or even person) who is or came from Africa.

There’s no debate here, and I’m not moved by your ad hominem approach. But you can keep trying.

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But somehow Leon Edwards can say the exact same thing and it's all good.

You guys are the ones who are obsessed with race.

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Hi Ariel, can you tell us what you really think about the Israeli–Palestinian conflict? After talking about apartheid, I became curious in your political beliefs, and geopolitical beliefs. You're completely in the wrong regarding the DDP situation. Just admit you're bias towards Adesanya and stop undercovering racism.

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It is funny, how Ariel can say all these things which is totally untrue and he clearly lacks knowledge in, he is the one creating racial tension, him and Izzy, but the moment we as the public pushes back, he as a journalist can't handle it, the moderator probably won't select the question, and he will just be allowed to spread further misinformation into the public. I will be surprised if Dricus ever comes on this show again. except if Dricus comes on, to set the record straight with this guy. It is astonishing how Ariel gets away with what he does. It is sickening.

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Really glad to know that I’m not alone in this. It’s insane to me how the only one saying racist shit is Izzy. It’s pretty clear, if DDP was black and saying this same stuff(even if he was still in South Africa), there would be none of the racial stuff, just a battle of Africa and all would be on board. DDP never said white, black, n-word, cracker. He’s only ever stated the truth that he is the one that resides in Africa, Izzy doesn’t.

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Hello Ariel and Crew,

I just want to echo the sentiment that UFC 290 was a fantastic event! The stories and the finishes were abundant and truly interesting. As a black man, I can relate to Izzy's sentiment towards DDP however, I too agree that their story is getting uncomfortable. I'm highly invested though. I just have two parting shots. Louis, thank you for picking my remarks (if selected). If not, I will try again later with more substantial talking points.

GC - bald works best on a round head. You got it. Take the leap. Coming from a bald man. Keep the beard to balance it out.

Chael - I know he's not part of the crew but can you remind him he doesn't have to yell to get his point across. I hear him just fine.

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Remember when Leon won the belt and claimed he was the first real British champ as he lives and trained there?

Quite the double standard.

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Fighters have pride in claiming their homestead. I dont mind it. I understand DPP's perspective as well. It just could have been delivered in a better fashion.

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Hello, Ariel

Sorry for the uncomfortable question but I can't wrap my head around this one and I appreciate your thoughts.

Obviously, Dricus was the one who started the back and forth.

I also understand how his words can be perceived as provocative and that there's no way he didn't anticipate how this would turn into a discussion about race, even if he didn't meant it that way.

But there's a part of this discussion that's is somewhat weird to me...

In Kamaru's own words "just because he goes to China that does not make him Chinese".

To define what constitutes an "African" person, where you are born seems to be less important than other biological traits, such as race and skin color.

Yet, the reverse argument is often seen as problematic.

The world is filled with social scientists who want to deconstruct what it means to be "British" or "German", for instance.

To relate those nationalities with race is often frowned upon.

Why do you think that is?

Thank you for all the years of content.

Please, no more singing.

Much love from Portugal.

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Shalom, Ariel (with a Spanish accent)! Two questions:

1 Where does Bobby Knuckles go from here? He was already in a Holloway-esque purgatory position in the division, having beaten most of contenders and lost multiple times to the champ. He’s teased a move to 205 in the past, but he looked quite small against DDP. Could he be the one to welcome Khamzat or Bo to the elite tier of middleweights?

2 Where does the class-action lawsuit against UFC stand? The promotion’s self-guarding act of introducting sunset clauses to contracts was integral for Fury-Ngannou. What implications does this fight have for the future of the business?

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Khamzat vs rob, i really hope so.

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HELLO HELLO! As UFC 300 is quickly approaching, I'd like to get you and the guys' opinions on some future bets. Yes or no...

1. Conor, Jones, Izzy... 2 out of 3 will be on the card.

2. Nate, Masvidal, Khabib, GSP, Rhonda, Brock... at least 1 will come out of retirement and fight on this card.

3. Jim Miller will fight and retire on this card.

4. Elon vs Musk on this card or at the very least their fight is announced during the broadcast.

5. Fight bonuses will be a minimum of $100K for this card.

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I know you didn’t ask me, but i like this kinda stuff.

1. No just Izzy is my guess.

2. No

3. Barring a training camp injury, this is exactly what I think happens. It’ll be cool for a guy to be 100,200,300 and great ending.

4. I fucking hope so, but without odds just a Yes or No, I’ll go No.

5. Idk but i bet he’ll do something, especially if the card delivers.

Fun ass question, hope it gets on.

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Hey Ariel,

This meant with love and no hate. You’re the best in the industry at what you do without it being even close. You’ve got the respect of the coolest people in the world. Why do you give any sort of attention to the randos on twitter that are gonna hate on you regardless? Mentioning wanting to quit over a tweet, I think you owe your true fans a bit more respect than that man. We’re all here from you and sorry if this comes across as rude. Keep pushin P Ariel!

Love from KC- Gilbert Hill

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Hi guys and a belated happy birthday Ariel.

If more fighters that were retiring got the same type of send off that Robbie Lawler did do you think we would have less fighters coming back out of retirement and tarnishing their legacy?

Has the blueprint on how to beat yair been made? What should the ufc do with him now as a very marketable fighter? Is it finally time to make yair vs barboza?

I recommend all of you guys to watch a Derrick chisora press conference. He always steals the show. It may change your mind on what’s more interesting a professional bought between him and ngannou or an exhibition between fury and ngannou.

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Remember when Leon won the belt and claimed he was the first real British champ as he lives and trained there. Bisping wasn’t best pleased with that comment but nobody kicked off about it.

DDP has said the exact same thing, Izzy and the media have made it out to be something it’s not. Calmer heads should prevail and I though you would have been one of them Ariel

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He says it's different because Leon and Bisping weren't fighting.

But keeps going on about how Kamaru and Francis feelings got hurt...

Go figure.

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Hey Ariel! Do u know which event leon will fight at (abu dhabi or msg) and if so can you give us a hint 👀?

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Hey Ariel! I was listening to the Monday show and I couldn't help but be APALLED by the lack of surprise from the gang in regards Volk's performance. I think the dominance in and of itself was par the course, but I don't think I have ever seen that kind of offensive wrestling + ground 'n pound from Volk EVER. He did sneak in a rough around the edges takedown against Max in their second fight, and he also did some ground and pound on Ortega, but in the latter it wasn't his intent to take it to the ground it was his response after escaping Ortega's submissions. I think this is an evolution in his game. The same way the great GSP went from pure striker, to a fighter who out wrestles strikers and out strikes grapplers. And it's also evidence that he's been thinking non-stop about taking another crack at Islam.

P.S. Why don't you pronounce the 'L' in Volk?

Much love from Texas

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Quick one Helwani - What is the deal with Bray Wyatt and the WWE? I thought I had read he was back or coming back soon but I haven't seen or heard anything lately. Would love to see him back but not necessarily as The Fiend. Thanks to you and all the crew. I love the content.

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Shalom Ariel!

Francis Ngannou was able to secure a massive boxing fight with Tyson Fury in addition to his lucrative deal with PFL. Francis was able to achieve all this by representing himself instead of having a manager. Do you think that more fighters will follow the lead and represent themselves in contract negotiations with MMA and Boxing promoters?

P.S. If a fighter has a good lawyer and a good accountant that have experience in the MMA industry, what is the benefit of having a manager?

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

Hi Ariel, I'm so happy for Francis that I'd like to journey down the rabbit hole of the seemingly implausible for a moment. Picture this – It's Monday November 13th, 2023 - two days after UFC 295.

-- A few weeks prior, we watched, hearts pounding, as Francis Ngannou, our beloved Predator, was caught in a relentless onslaught by Tyson Fury through three grueling rounds of Queensbury rules. The Gypsy King's reign looked certain to continue until, with a heart-stopping 10-second countdown in the 3rd, Ngannou unleashed a right-hand haymaker so devastating it obliterated Fury's throne. The title "Baddest man on the planet" is no longer up for debate.

But just when we though we'd felt enough shockwaves, a mere two days earlier, the MMA landscape was rocked by another stunning upset. Stipe Miocic, the firefighter who knows no fear, braved the flames of the UFC octagon in New York City and toppled the once invincible Jon Bones Jones with a chilling uppercut in the 5th round. Miocic bows out of the octagon for his final time with a strap around his waist, and Jon Jones "bahhh's" his way out of the octagon towards an uncertain future.

My question is, how would the UFC navigate this reality? How would the combination of these two upsets impact the MMA world and greater combat sports landscape? Is GIMIK promotions now a force to be reckoned with, globally?

Yes, I'm a dreamer, but remember, Ariel, even the most outrageous dreams in the fight game can be willed into reality.

On a serious note, congrats to Francis. Shake that shit up brotha!!!

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Hi Ariel. Great shows as always.

He might go under the radar, but how close is Brandon Moreno to being the BMF of the UFC. Every fight he’s involved in is a war and you’re guaranteed entertainment when he fights. Maybe away from the cage he’s not what you’d call a BMF! But you can’t argue with his work in the cage.

p.a shout out to Mysterious Franks randomiser noise each week!

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