Hello hello. I've got my fingers crossed, hoping for an answer this week to a dilemma that has plagued my life these past few weeks. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were attending a small get together with a few other couples . Nothing fancy, just a small dinner gathering at a friend's home. Apparently, their doorbell was broken and they forgot to mention it. Well, after not getting any response from 3 doorbell rings with adequate time between each ring, I finally decided to knock. I gave a firm 4 knocks just once. Our longtime friend's wife/host who we don't know very well (he recently got married and moved back into town), immediately swings open the door and says in a very annoyed tone, "No need to be so aggressive." Now, my question is, what is the proper etiquette for a knock? Is it more about the strength of the knock? The number of knocks? The intervals? If it's 7 knocks, but to the playful rhythm of Skunk In The Barnyard Pee-ewww, is that more acceptable than an aggressive single or double knock? We need answers. Nothing but awkward vibes ever since.

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Stay tuned to ep 3 👀

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You're the man!

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Ariel and Luciana, planning to propose soon to my girlfriend. Any advice? What is each of yours proposal story?


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Hi Ariel and Luciana, loving the new segment!

My question today is how do you deal with feeling worse than everyone else around you? For context, I'm a senior in college, and pretty much all of my close friends have been able to secure top FAANG internships. While my internships haven't necessarily been bad, I just haven't been able to get to that top level. Hoping you can give any advice on this thanks! P.S. Ariel can you help me name the waddurs and where I can find baddies and addies?

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Hello Ariel and Luciana,

Do you prefer to eat your pizza with hands or with knife and fork?

What is your favourite pizza?

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Hello Ariel and Luciana!

Love the show, will Luciana visit the mma hour studio during UFC 288 fight week?

Here's my other question; what is your go to comfort meal when you're feeling down?

Keep up the great work guys! Congrats on the wedding Luciana and I hope Ariel makes an appearance.

- Kendra

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Dear Ms Andrade and Mr Helwani

The other day I was at the cinema with my girlfriend watching the film “Women Talking” , excellent film. However, about 5 minutes into the film, the pair next to us start rustling bags aggressively , no biggie . Until, I catch the whiff in my nose of fast food . As I turn my head I am shocked to see the woman eating a large Big Mac Meal, 9 nuggets and a milkshake . I’m all for snacks and bringing your own to a film . But a powerful drama ain’t the place for your dinner . What are some of your biggest movie theatre pet peeves( cinema) . And what do you think of this fast food travesty . The theatre smelled like fast food for the next 2 hours .

Thank you for everything and love this segment , hopefully we can get an in person edition so you both can graduate to true BFFS

Have a good one !

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What is the most adventurous journey/life-death situation you've experienced? I've had few such experiences while riding a bike and during trekking.

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Hi Ariel and Luciana. I wanted to ask the following question for episode 3 but forgot. Saw Luciana post this link for episode 4 questions so here goes:

Have you both ever had to deal with people who intentionally go out of their way to antagonise you? How do you deal with these people without resorting to their level but at the same time, letting them know you aren't one to be messed with? Ariel, I know you had/have to deal with this in regards the UFC, so a personal experience could be shared instead if you have one.

Thanks guys. Really love this show and I hope it continues, even if there aren't that many questions asked each week.

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Luciana....What did you think of Ariel's interview with Arianny Celeste on a beach in Australia...this happened in his early days of interviewing years ago? If you haven't watched it...it's on YouTube.

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That was an awesome interview. They should get Arianny on the show as well as interview other ring girls like Brittney too.

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Hey Luciana, who is your favorite fighter? I also was wondering who would win in a darts match between you both?

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As people who were in their teens/mid twenties throughout late 90's/early 00's - what were your favourite TV shows at the time and why? (Smallville, The OC, X-Files or Clone as brazilian example)

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Can Lucianna be the bridge to Ariel and Dana reuniting in some way? In studio? Can she make it happen? Dart contest to settle it.

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Yo yo yo.

What are some hobbies you two have always wanted to try but have just never got around to it?

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I just wanna know one thing…. Orange juice with pulp or no pulp

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Is luciana nice person


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Hey guys I’m going to get straight to the point this week, where do you see yourselves in 10 years? And 10 years ago where did you see yourselves today? Did you achieve all of your goals?

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