Nice summation of the weekend's events. Appreciate the frank discussion of the distasteful comments from Alistair Overeem and what you owe the audience when something like that is voiced on your show. I know from experience that it's a difficult position for a journalist to be placed in.

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Hey Ariel, I have a possible solution to fixing the pay issue for fighters in combat sports. It comes from a crypto background but I think it could be the future, we will certainly see this method used in other industries.

I would love to share it with you in a private message, what would be the best way to send this idea over?

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I think Masvidal said it best when he said that fighters are too individual to unionize. Plus, the way Dana practically turns red and chastises and insults people whenever they bring up the issue, rather than providing a fair argument for why the fighters are paid what they are. It’s practically a dictatorship. You can’t bring up the issue without being public ally humiliated or censored by the UFC. I think for it to truly change you would need a fighter universally liked and a good leader to really take charge, someone like DC, but he’s unfortunately way too close to Dana and a company man. (And I’m not blaming him, he shouldn’t have to throw away his career)

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glad Aljo and Ariel are in good terms. It always upsets me when those positive relationships appear to go wrong. All I though and took away from that update was - “great, they’re talking!” I wasn’t sure after all the antics, post championship win.

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One fighter from last weekend, Bea Malecki, took to IG explaining how she can’t afford coaches and doesn’t have a proper team. Add in Sweden taxes and she took home less than $3K USD. She’s young, competitive and needs guidance. Not sure if Ariel or anyone will read this, but I thought it was worth spotlighting and hope a team reaches out to her.

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I would describe the current TUF season favourably. Good fighter stories, the matchups didn't go as expected (credit to TUF's editing), and some intense fights full of heart. It paid off. Ignore the coaches the fighters were the stars.

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I agree!! My wife and I enjoyed this season of TUF.

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I really enjoy this format. Very similar to what Elliotte Friedman does for hockey and it's a good way to stay up to date with what's going on. Appreciate you saying what you did about Overeem's comments as well. Keep it up Ariel!

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Ufc needs to invest in their fighters and hire coaches in several gyms to give fighters more financial freedom. It’s the least they could do if they won’t pay up when it’s time to fight

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